Sacred Internment

Sacred Internment Whom do we bury? Under these daisy scattered fields, A friend, a loved one, an acquaintance so slim. What do we bury? Under these raven scattered skies, A smile, a birthday party, a look so grim. Why do we bury? Under these grief scattered feelings, A doubt, an innocent secret, a lost tearfulContinue reading “Sacred Internment”

War Memorial

War Memorial How deep? How deep this blackness? Beyond our Fragile beating heart’s memory, down into the Black ocean of our mortal sorrows, long Past ancestral reckoning; horrific. His eyes bore great sadness, under Their manly smiles, fleeting moments Of distance, moments lost in tempest, Dark ripples, unresolved anger. Respectable men smile knowingly, Their deceitfulContinue reading “War Memorial”