
Remembrance Flickering movies on mind’s eye, Some sprinkled with fear, Some bubbling with joy. Are you living through memory? To make sense of these words, To make sense of your world. Bold, brave biographies, Re-told to suit your pleasures, Re-told to avoid your pains. Built moment by moment, Your past lives your present, Your ancestorsContinue reading “Remembrance”

Ancient Prayers

Ancient Prayers Pungent incense adorns austere vestments, Aching knees, silent witnesses, testify, Propitiate holy separation’s torments. Dust hovers, swirls, dances in sunlit shafts, Children yawn, babies doze, angel’s smiles, Pungent incense adorns austere vestments. Liturgy, elegant life giving river, Evaporating desires, cleanse souls, Propitiate holy separation’s torments. Sacred rite, gifted ancient tradition, Well loved, humblyContinue reading “Ancient Prayers”

Silent Observer

Silent Observer Rippling, ripping past yarns, Bubbling, blissful anger, Bustling, breaking on my mind’s shore. Needling my past to see my future, Believing my beliefs hides new truth, Understanding is limiting my experience. Healing, nothing to do with fixing things, Living, learning to dance with a broken leg, Human being, exploding across the night skyContinue reading “Silent Observer”


Garden Of Eden Casually draped emotions, barely felt, Shimmer and ripple with each casual glance, Faultless ways, cultured mind’s illusion, Create false regrets, zoo sanctioned chiding. Sacred mourning over a fallen people, No going back, the curved archway should have read, Once picked, fruit starts to rot, no going back, Joyous lament, sensuous piety, righteousContinue reading “Eden”