
Mystery Lost, lost in the Mystery, Neither known, nor unknown, Invoking long sought secrets. Bliss, mysterious bliss of life, Neither living, nor dying, Humbling our mindful awareness. Chants, sacred chants arise, Neither memorable, nor forgettable, Guiding, tempting, revealing. Light, mystical light infuses, Neither luminous, nor dim, Enveloping and blessing us all. © David R. Durham

Ancient Prayers

Ancient Prayers Pungent incense adorns austere vestments, Aching knees, silent witnesses, testify, Propitiate holy separation’s torments. Dust hovers, swirls, dances in sunlit shafts, Children yawn, babies doze, angel’s smiles, Pungent incense adorns austere vestments. Liturgy, elegant life giving river, Evaporating desires, cleanse souls, Propitiate holy separation’s torments. Sacred rite, gifted ancient tradition, Well loved, humblyContinue reading “Ancient Prayers”

Holy Words

Holy Words When sublime words fell from the sky, free to Those who would listen, a few looked at Each other in wonder, some felt a tingling Fear trickle down their stooped spines, many more, Intoxicated by their new human Sensations, never heard anything at all. Pitter patter as rain, holy words fall from TheContinue reading “Holy Words”