War Memorial
How deep? How deep this blackness? Beyond our
Fragile beating heart’s memory, down into the
Black ocean of our mortal sorrows, long
Past ancestral reckoning; horrific.
His eyes bore great sadness, under
Their manly smiles, fleeting moments
Of distance, moments lost in tempest,
Dark ripples, unresolved anger.
Respectable men smile knowingly,
Their deceitful eyes lower
To innocent victims, in mock
Remorse. Gluttony triumphant again.
Patter cake, patter cake her
Childhood rhymes rang, gently, in
Half remembered dreams. Her
Limb torn anguish, blood soaked.
We fall at the feet of
Man-made gods weeping, then
Blessing. We survived,
Others stain war worn earth.
Voices fall silent,
Promise betrayed.
Angry battles rage,
Of hells they are made.
Reason lays in tatters,
Disheveled victim.
Unblinking fear. Terror
Driven insanity.
It seems, there is. It cannot
Be, yet there it is, they,
They must be wrong, the reports
Must be completely wrong.
Fear grips feeble minds, grief gashed hearts,
Fires rage, until our world burns.
Out of these lifeless ashes,
Desolation kindles new dreams.
When upon fair Earth we shall find bold
Strength; real honor; new humanity.
And cast aside vile tools of raging
Hate, lustful greed and shameful lies.
And songs will arise in our hearts, not in
lament, but borne out of life’s precious joy.
Destiny greeted beneath moon and stars.
Awaken in love’s full bloom, home at last.
© David R. Durham, All Rights Reserved.
Reblogged this on The Political Think Tank and commented:
This is a different kind of post than I have ever done here but when I read this beautiful, deep and slightly haunting poem by my friend who does a fantastic blog called “The Poet Photographer”, I couldn’t resist.
I hop you like it as much as I did.
Paulette L. Motzko
Thank you for your comments and for re-blogging my post Paulette. Best Wishes, David.
David I love your work, but didn’t recognise your new look when you visited my blog, nevertheless great look and of course a wonderful blog you’ve got and this is especially moving, sincere regards, Barry
Thanks Barry. This photo is of my summer plumage.