Love Held Tight


Love Held Tight
With love held tight in hearts embrace,
Would’st the scent of love be enough,
Should a whisper fulfill our finest grace,
Or will full storm of voices be raised,
With longing left far behind on shrinking shore,
‘Till neither you nor I falter in hesitant dark,
And all our days they flower into this, this honest moment,
Where secret words weave their prophetic spells,
And tenderness holds sway over doubt filled years,
Yet no love song, nor pure sonnet can compare,
With love held tight in hearts embrace.

© David R. Durham

6 thoughts on “Love Held Tight

  1. David your blog is food for ones soul, therein its always a pleasure to visit, in fact every time I visit I’m like a child in a sweet shop, there’s so many wonderful things to look at, read and think about. Very big thank you, sincere regards, Barry

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