
And The Tears, They Flow. Beauty’s kiss, her joy-filled embrace, Moonlight silvered raven hair, Beauty’s reckless, carefree poise, She yields under heaven’s spell; And the tears, they flow. Cold truth scavenges childhood memories, Scorching time’s forward march, Cold truth scrambles delicate feelings, She humbles dog-eared certainty; And the tears, they flow. Grace revealed in herContinue reading “Tears”


Reminders Sea rolling, sweeping, flowing, bubbling onto a pebbled beach; You remind me of my forgotten journeys. Penetrating light moving down a corridor of brick archways; You remind me of a forgotten life-style. Black and white images of faces in a winter’s landscape; You remind me of long lost loves. The felt sense of myContinue reading “Reminders”

Holy Words

Holy Words When sublime words fell from the sky, free to Those who would listen, a few looked at Each other in wonder, some felt a tingling Fear trickle down their stooped spines, many more, Intoxicated by their new human Sensations, never heard anything at all. Pitter patter as rain, holy words fall from TheContinue reading “Holy Words”

Gift Wrapped

Gift Wrapped What is this fate which breaks the will of men? That insidious grim stealer of magic and dreams, Unyielding face with gritty voice, black cloak. What caricatures of men live a lie? That all can survive, and some may live large, In deep worn trances, rich in rhythmic chants. What concerns for other’sContinue reading “Gift Wrapped”

Endless Play

Endless Play Caught in the moment, Caught on the camera. We love when we dance, We smile when we play, At times we’re feeling down, Then we’re feeling up again, So life goes around in an endless play. Ambushed in the shopping mall, Ambushed at a party. We smile when we dance, We love whenContinue reading “Endless Play”

Old Horses

Old Horses The stable door ajar, straw bedded down, The old horse left a brief note saying; “Gone t’d pub old chap, back before you know”. Tess, our dependable collie sheep dog, Now lounging in her sun warmed corner, She dreamed eons and eons, were rolling by. Big hooves clatter across the outside yard, CatsContinue reading “Old Horses”


Markets Down in the market where life runs free, Where daily stories are shared, And there is lots of stuff to see. Exotic looking fruits to smell and to try, Stacked high on rough work-man’s tables, Laid out under a clear blue mountain sky. Men with packed trolleys weave and bob, Their job not doneContinue reading “Markets”


Fireworks All the fireworks sparkled and crackled, And the neon lights rippled and shone, As people sauntered, shopped and surveyed, Some walked hand in hand. All their frowns and their glowing smiles, And their hopes and unquiet desires, As their animated chatter splashed and gurgled, Some felt alive as seldom before. All gifts wrapped withContinue reading “Fireworks”