Endless Play
Caught in the moment,
Caught on the camera.
We love when we dance,
We smile when we play,
At times we’re feeling down,
Then we’re feeling up again,
So life goes around in an endless play.
Ambushed in the shopping mall,
Ambushed at a party.
We smile when we dance,
We love when we play,
At times we’re feeling up again,
Then we’re feeling down,
So life goes around in an endless play.
Work in the day time,
Pleasure in the night time.
We love when we dance,
We smile when we play,
At times we’re feeling down,
Then we’re feeling up again,
So life goes around in an endless play.
All along our road are the misread sign posts,
All along our path are the potholes so grey.
We smile when we dance,
We love when we play,
At times we’re feeling up again,
Then we’re feeling down,
So life goes around in an endless play.
© David R. Durham